29 October 2017

Chapter 6 Posted on Wattpad

The website Wattpad posts works by authors. It's not fanfiction, unlike a lot of other popular entries. But I was a fan of Craig Bickford and Pat Bernier in school.

Here's the link:


27 October 2017

Reading of Chapter 6 -- Bickford and Bernier

One way writing became fun was recalling many of the people around me in school. This chapter is a favorite because of the focus on Craig Bickford and Pat Bernier.

Here's the link:


24 October 2017

Audio selection from "Nursery School Dropout"

I created an audio file with a sample chapter from "Nursery School Dropout." It's chapter two, "Our Gang," about how I got beaten up in high school.

The chapter also details the high point of my high school celebrity.

Here's the link:


16 October 2017

Amazon Kindle Book Giveaway

I'm giving away 25 Kindle copies of "Nursery School Dropout." The drawing is set for Oct. 21.

Register here:


15 October 2017

Goodreads Giveaway News


    Goodreads Book Giveaway


        Nursery School Dropout by Michael E. Reagan Jr.



          Nursery School Dropout

          by Michael E. Reagan Jr.


            Giveaway ends November 14, 2017.
            See the giveaway details
            at Goodreads.

    Enter Giveaway

06 October 2017

Free Copies of Kindle Book

Get a free digital copy of "Nursery School Dropout" by signing up on Amazon.com

The contest has 25 copies available.


05 October 2017

Book recalls teens who flourished despite obstacles in “Nursery School Dropout"


A new book examines abuses of power and those who persevere in difficult circumstances.

“Nursery School Dropout” is a self-published work that includes many chapters on Cheverus High School in Portland. The Catholic high school was mentioned in the Oscar-winning film “Spotlight” because a graduate accused a priest of sexual abuse.

Michael E. Reagan Jr. did not have Rev. James Talbot as a teacher. But he knew how powerful coaches, instructors and priests could be. Talbot was all three.

“Nursery School Dropout” also praises those who set a different tone at a time when student bullying and violence were taken for granted. Certain teachers emphasized the importance of asking questions and had supportive classrooms. Students who liked joking and pulling pranks without being mean have chapters as well.
Despite serious topics including the police investigation of a beating, “Nursery School Dropout” has many moments of humor. Teens flourished in difficult situations because they used their wits to get ahead to serve on the student council and star in plays.

“Nursery School Dropout” is available as an e-book and paperback on Amazon.com.
Michael E. Reagan Jr. is a graduate of the University of Maine at Orono. He has worked as a reporter for The Houlton Pioneer Times, the Kennebec Journal and The Times Record in Brunswick, Maine. He has also served as an assistant assignment editor for WMTW News 8. Reagan lives with his wife and son in Lewiston, Maine.